Section «Ecology of nature management»
Boyko N.G., Dunaeva E.A. Influence of the light absorption spectrum on the growth and development of barley during laboratory experiments
Andreeva N.A., Snarskaya D.D. Phytobenthos cyanobacteria of the Crimean coastal waters
Zadkova A.G., Smirnova E.A. An integrated approach to the program of monitoring of technogenic formations
Musina A.A., Shagidullin A.R., Gabdrakhimova V.A. Evaluation of air quality in Kazan according to the data of automatic monitoring stations
Kazankova I.I. Depth distribution of mussel postlarvae l, mititlyaster, and anadara on control substrates in the coastal waters of the southern and southwestern Crimea
Kazankova I.I. Behavior of larvae and postlarvae of mussel, mytilaster and Anadara on control substrates with a fleecy surface
Kazankova I.I., Shlyk A.V., Klimenko A.V. Late spring settling of mussels in the coastal waters of Sevastopol in 2022 as a moment in monitoring of the replenishment of its population and the state of the environment
Onyshko A.A. Analysis of existing methods of feasibility study of hybrid installations and RES
Rychkova A.A., Gromov S.A. Analysis of trends in changes in the content of substances in surface waters of rivers at EANET stations for 2007-2021
Gladchuk A.S., Ivanova D.N., Babenko D.I., Gaft S.S., Aleksandrova M.L., Sukhodolov N.G., Podolskaya E.P. Analysis of lipophilic hydroxyl-containing natural compounds using Langmuir technolog
Gubareva T.S., Lupakov S.Yu., Shamov V.V., Gartsman B.I. Measurement of stem sap flow in the framework of hydrological monitoring of a river basin in southern Primorye
Agarkova-Lyakh I.V., Frolova K.V. Analysis of coastal vegetation adaptations to living conditions in the Land-Sea contact zone
Sazonov A.D. The surface hydrochemical runoff dynamics of copper and zinc compounds in the river Bystraya basin (Rostov region)
Stetsyuk A.P. The relevance of studying the distribution of mercury in the Crimean Peninsula waters
Sizova O.S., Smirnova L.L. Ecology of periphyton microorganisms on antifouling coatings in the coastal waters of the southwestern Crimea