Federal state budget scientific institution Institute of natural and technical systemsit is a major Russian research center in the field of Oceanology.
The purpose of the INTS research is to gain new fundamental knowledge about the processes that shape Oceanological fields and the environmental conditions of the oceans, including the strategically important black sea-Mediterranean region, and determine their variability over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales in the past, present and future using new technologies.
The main objective of the INTS is a comprehensive study of natural and technical systems based on ideas about the systemic unity of the physical, chemical, biological and geological processes occurring in them, the rational use of marine resources and ensuring environmental safety for the sustainable development of Russia and the creation of scientific bases for forecasting climate variability on the Planet.
Main directions of INTS:
1) Fundamental and applied physical and climatic studies of the marine environment, ocean-atmosphere systems and deep layers of the ocean and seas.
2) Development of methods and means of Oceanographic and environmental research, creation of modern information technologies and systems for the collection, processing, analysis and use of Oceanological data.
3) Comprehensive interdisciplinary studies of the main processes of formation and evolution of ecosystems of The Black and Azov seas and other strategically important regions of the world ocean.